Another Ghost…

And another run. The weather is SPANKING today. Started off foggy but the sun has burnt it’s way through and is handing out lashings of rays.

Only managed to get 2 miles out of the trainers yesterday (felt like pants all day) but scraped out 10 squeaky miles today. And some of them were actually squeaky! They have redone the tarmac on some of the roads around here (over night) which makes them squeak when you run on them 🙂 cool.


October Miles = 53 miles

~ by joggerblogger on October 12, 2008.

3 Responses to “Another Ghost…”

  1. Hi JB! And a BIG HELLO to your wife and daughter too!

    We wish all of you a fabulous vacation at WDW. We’re so sorry that we will miss you on this trip. Hopefully our paths will cross again.

    Love from all of us.

    – Kate

  2. Hi all!!!! I am super excited!!!! week and a half!!!!

  3. Hey JB! Great job on the “Squeaky” miles!

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